Tilmann Dehnhard, the writer of the successful “Jazz Studies for Flute” (UE 33703), now turns his expertise to the alto recorder. In “Easy Jazz Studies for Recorder” he offers ten easy to intermediate compositions that help with melodic style and articulation as they relate to jazz. Some of the pieces are based on the same chord progressions as well known jazz standards and may therefore sound tantalizingly familiar! Useful hints on swing, articulation and ornamentation are provided. The accompanying CD provides recordings at various tempos with the demonstrational soloist before the player is ready to take on the full solo role with the backing track. Suitable for grades 2-5.
Preis: 19.95 €
inkl. gesetzl. MwSt. und zzgl. Versandkosten
sofort versandfertig, Lieferfrist 1-3 Tage
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