Americana classics

  • Verlag: Edition Hal Leonard
  • Artikelnummer: HL 121922
  • ISBN: 9781480353633
  • versandfertig innerhalb 10 Tagen

Preis: 24.99

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versandfertig innerhalb 10 Tagen

in Warenkorb legen

Amazing grace, Angels from Montgomery, Blowin' in the wind / Dylan Bob, CHUG A LUG, Cindy, City of New Orleans, The crawdad song, Don't think twice it's all right, Down to the river to pray, Dust in the wind / Kansas, Early in the morninig, The Erie canal, Five hundred miles, Follow the drinkin' gourd, Folsom prison blues / Cash Johnny, Freight train, GARDEN SONG / Denver John, Gentle on my mind, Goodnight Irene, Hesitation blues, Hey good lookin', House of the rising sun, I am a man of constant sorrow, I walk the line / Cash Johnny, I'll fly away, If I had a hammer, In the jailhouse now, Jambalaya (On the Bayou), Joshua fit the battle of Jericho, Keep on the sunny side, King of the road / Miller Roger, Leaving on a jet plane / Denver John, Lonesome valley, The long black veil / Cash Johnny, Midnight special, MISS THE MISSISSIPPI AND YOU, Mr Bojangles, MY HEROES HAVE ALWAYS BEEN COWBOYS, MY HOME'S ACROSS THE BLUE RIDGE MOUNTAINS, The night they drove old Dixie down, Oh Mary don't you weep, OLD DAN TUCKER, On the road again, Pack up your sorrows, The red river valley, River, Rock island line, Rocky top, Shady grove, Shenandoah, Sixteen tons, So long it's been good to know yuh, Swing low sweet chariot, Take me home country roads / Denver John, Tennessee stud, Tennessee waltz, This land is your land, This train, Turn turn turn (to everything there is a season), Wabash Blues, The wabash cannon ball, Wade in the water, Wagon wheel, Water is wide, The weight, Will the circle be unbroken, Worried man blues, You are my sunshine,

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