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3 Weisse Tauben, 36 Grad, 99 Luftballons / Nena, Achy breaky heart / Cyrus Billy Ray, All for love, All my loving / Beatles, All out of love / Air Supply, All summer long / Kid Rock, Altes Fieber, Amazing grace, Amsterdam, Another day in paradise / Collins Phil, Auf der Reeperbahn nachts um halb eins, Auf uns / Bourani Andreas, Ayo technology / Milow, Azzurro, Back for good, Bad moon rising / CCR (Creedence Clearwater Revival), Baila me, Barbara Ann / Beach Boys, Because I got high, Big big world, Bis zum bitteren Ende, Blowin' in the wind / Dylan Bob, Bobfahrer Lied / Toupet Tim, Bright eyes, Brothers in arms, Brown girl in the ring, Butterfly, California dreamin' / Mamas and Papas, Californication / Red Hot Chili Peppers, Candle in the wind / John Elton, Can't help falling in love, Capri Fischer, Cowboy und Indianer / Henning Olaf, Day O (The bababa boat song) / Belafonte Harry, Der Junge mit der Mundharmonika / Clüver Bernd, Der wilde wilde Westen / Truck Stop, Die Hände zum Himmel / Kolibris, Die Karawane zieht weiter, Die kleine Kneipe / Alexander Peter, Don't pay the ferryman / Burgh Chris de, Don't worry be happy / McFerrin Bobby, Don't you (forget about me) / Simple Minds, Eine neue Liebe ist wie ein neues Leben / Marcus Jürgen, El condor pasa, Eleanor rigby / Beatles, Es lebe der Sport, Eve of destruction, Every rose has it's thorn / Poison, Everybody (Backstreet's back) / Backstreet Boys, (Everything I do) I do it for you, Eviva Espana, Fairytale gone bad / Sunrise Avenue, Feel, Felicita, Fiesta mexicana / Gildo Rex, Forever young, Freiheit, Geiles Leben / Glasperlenspiel, Gimme hope Joanna, Gimme Gimme Gimme / Abba, Gloria, Gute Nacht Freunde, Hallelujah, Hamburg meine (Fussball) Perle, Hang on sloopy, Heidi, Hey baby, Hey Jude / Beatles, Hit the road Jack, Hope of deliverance, Hulapalu / Gabalier Andreas, Hymn, I don't like mondays, I guess that's why they call it the blues / John Elton, I just called to say I love you / Wonder Stevie, I like Chopin, I love rock n roll, I shot the sheriff / Marley Bob, I was made for lovin' you / Kiss, Ich brech die Herzen der stolzesten Fraun, Ich kauf mir lieber einen Tirolerhut, If you believe, Irgendwann bleib I dann dort / STS, It never rains in southern california / Hammond Albert, Je ne parle pas francais / Namika, Jessie / Kadison Joshua, Joana / Kaiser Roland, Johnny B, Johnny be goode / Berry Chuck, Junge komm bald wieder, Karamba Karacho ein Whisky, Killing me softly, Kokomo, Lady in black, Lay all your love on me / Abba, Leaving on a jet plane / Denver John, Leningrad / Joel Billy, Let it be / Beatles, Let the sunshine in, Living next door to Alice / Smokie, Locomotive breath, Losing my religion / REM, Love is a shield, Ma Baker / Boney M, Major Tom, Mandy, Manic monday, Maria, Maria Maria, Marmor Stein und Eisen bricht / Deutscher Drafi, Matilda Matilda, Mexico, Money money money / Abba, Moonlight shadow / Oldfield Mike, Moonshadow / Stevens Cat, Musik Musik Musik, My oh my, Narcotic, Nine million bicycles, Nothing else matters / Metallica, O la paloma blanca, One, One moment in time, Penny Lane / Beatles, Probier's mal mit Gemütlichkeit, Proud Mary, Radio orchid, Red red wine, Relax, Resi I hol di mit meim Traktor ab / Fierek Wolfgang, Ring of fire / Cash Johnny, Sad Lisa, Sailing, Santa Maria, Say you say me / Richie Lionel, Scarborough fair, Schickeria, Schifoan / Ambros Wolfgang, Schrei nach Liebe, See you later Alligator / Haley Bill, Should I stay or should I go / Clash, Shout, Sierra madre del sur, (Sittin' on) The dock of the bay, Smoke on the water / Deep Purple, So a schöner Tag (Fliegerlied) / Donikkl, Somebody to love, Streets of Philadelphia, Sultans of swing / Dire Straits, Summer wine, Suspicious minds, Suzanne, Sway (quien sera), Sweet but psycho / Max Ava, Sweet Caroline, Sweet dreams (are made of this) / Eurythmics, Sweet home Alabama / Lynyrd Skynyrd, Sweet home Chicago, Tage wie diese / Toten Hosen, Tanze Samba mit mir, Tears in heaven / Clapton Eric, The girl from Ipanema (garota de Ipanema), The joker, The last unicorn, The look, The passenger / Pop Iggy, The sound of silence / Simon + Garfunkel, The winner takes it all / Abba, This ole house, Those were the days, Thunderstruck, To be with you, Too much love will kill you / Queen, Tür an Tür mit Alice / Carpendale Howard, Turn the page, Und es war Sommer / Maffay Peter, Vamos a la playa, Viva la vida / Coldplay, Walking on sunshine / Katrina + The Waves, Wart auf mich, Was wollen wir trinken sieben Tage lang, We will rock you / Queen, Wenn sie tanzt, Weus'd a Herz hast wia a Bergwerk / Fendrich Rainhard, What's up, Where have all the flowers gone / Seeger Pete, Where the streets have no name, Whiskey in the jar, Wish you were here, With a little help from my friends, Wolke 4, Wonderwall / Oasis, YMCA / Village People, Yesterday / Beatles, You can't hurry love, You win again, Your song, Zu spät,
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