Preis: 49.50 €
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versandfertig innerhalb 35 Tagen
Any dream will do, Baby mine, Be kind to your parents, Bein' green, Born to entertain, The candy man, Castle on a cloud, Consider yourself, Cruella de Vil, Dream for your inspiration, Ev'rybody wants to be a cat, Feed the birds, Friend, Gary Indiana, Getting to know you, God help the outcasts, Happiness, I always knew, I don't need anything but you, I don't want to live on the moon, I got the sun in the morning, I know things now, I whistle a happy tune, I won't grow up, I'd do anything, I'm late, I've got no strings, In my own little corner, It's the hard knock life, Join the circus, Les poissons, Let me entertain you, Let's go fly a kite, Little lamb, Little people, Maybe (aus Annie), My best girl (My best beau), My favorite things, On the good ship lollipop, Part of your world, Put on a happy face, Real live girl, Reflection, Sing (Sesamstrasse), So this is love (The Cinderella waltz), Someone's waiting for you, Tomorrow, The ugly duckling, We're all in this together, When I see an elephant fly, When you wish upon a star, Where is love, Who will buy, With a smile and a song, The work song, Wouldn't it be loverly, You're never fully dressed without a smile, You've got a friend in me, Zip a dee doo dah,
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