• Herausgeber: Phillips Mark
  • Besetzung: Gitarre TAB CD (GIT TAB CD)
  • Verlag: Edition Hal Leonard
  • Schwierigkeitsgrad: MITTEL
  • Artikelnummer: HL 2500837
  • ISBN: 9781575608358
  • versandfertig innerhalb 10 Tagen

Preis: 21.99

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versandfertig innerhalb 10 Tagen

in Warenkorb legen

Alman 1 + 2
And Would You See My Mistress' Face Philip Rosseter
Away With These Selfe Loving Lads John Dowland
Ballet John Sturt
Courante 1 + 2
Coventry Carol
Curent Anonymus
The Earl Of Essex Galliard
Fayne Would I Wedd Richard Farnaby
Everie Bush New Springing Michaell Cavendish
The First Dance
The GillyflowerAnonymus
Go To Bed Sweete Muze Robert Jones
Home Again
If Thou Longst So Much To Learne
If You Were Mine
Jacke And Jone
Lo How A Rose E'Er Blooming
MayThomas Robinson
Lord Willoughby'S Welcome Home
Never Weather Beaten Sail
The Night Watch
Packington'S Pound
Now Winter Nights Enlarge Thomas Campian
Passemese Pierre Phalese
Pavana Muy Llana Para Taner
The Silver Swan
So Quick So Hot So Mad Thomas Campian
Tarleton'S Resurrection
Think'St Thou To Seduce Me Then Thomas Campian
Though Your Strangeness Frets My Hart Thomas Campian
The Three Ravens
Thrice Tosse These Oaken Ashes Thomas Campian
To His Sweet Lute Thomas Campian
Toy - Cutting Francis
Turne Back You Wanton Flyer
Under A Green Linden Tree
Watkin'S Ale
What Harvest Halfe So Sweet Is Thomas Campian
What Is A Day
What Is Beauty But A Breath
What Then Is Love Thomas Ford
Wilson'S Wilde
When Laura Smiles

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