Preis: 7.95 €
inkl. gesetzl. MwSt. und zzgl. Versandkosten
sofort versandfertig, Lieferfrist 1-3 Tage
Angels from the realms of glory, Angels we have heard on high, Away in a manger, Bring a torch Jeannette Isabella, Chanukah chanukah, Chanukah oh Chanukah, Ihr Kinderlein kommet, Deck the halls, Ding dong merrily on high, Dreidl Song, The first noel, Good king Wenceslas, Hark the herald angels sing, Jingle bells, Jolly old Saint Nicholas, Joy to the world, Lo how a rose e'er blooming, Maoz tsur, O come o come Emmanuel, Silent night, Up on the housetop, We three kings of orient are, We wish you a merry christmas,
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