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Anytime you need a friend, Beauty and the beast, A change in me, Cold enough to snow, Colors of the wind, DAUGHTER OF GOD, Fabulous baby, Go the distance, GOD BLESS US EVERYONE, Goodnight my friend, HER VOICE, How does a moment last forever / Dion Celine, I can't take my eyes from you, I see the light, I WANNA BE A ROCKETTE, If I never knew you, KING OF NEW YORK, MADE OF STONE, Need to know, Never again, One of the great ones, Out there, Proud of your boy, Santa Fe, SHOOTING STAR, Somebody's got your back, Someday, Somewhere That's Green, Speechless, SUDDENLY SEYMOUR, That's how you know, THESE ARE THE GOOD TIMES, THIS NEW JERUSALEM, Welcome home, When will my life begin, A whole new world, WILL THE SUN EVER SHINE AGAIN, Zero to hero,
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