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I MUST BE DREAMING, THE NATIVES ARE RESTLESS TONIGHT, The lame the halt and the blind, A hero is coming, There's always a woman, A little house for Mama, Boom crunch, BOUNCE, DARLING, Don'T laugh, ECHO SONG, FAREWELL, First Vaudeville, FLAG SONG, God, HIGH LIFE, I WISH, I wouldn't change a thing, INVOCATION, Looks, LOVE IS IN THE AIR / Sondheim Stephen, Make it through the night, My husband the pig, My two young men, NEXT TO YOU, Night waltz, Pour le sport, Prayers, Rich and happy, Second midnight, Singing out loud, Soldiers and girls, Thank you for coming, The boy from, The house of Marcus Lycus, The night is the best time of the day, The one on the left, There's something about a war, Window across the way,
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Ihre Meinung oder Fragen zum Artikel HL 142293The almost unknown Stephen Sondheim .